PROTO EMPEROR ZX - Body building

Da WikiStreetMini4wd.
Questa pagina è una versione tradotta della pagina Proto Emperor ZX - Costruzione della carrozzeria (Kidouin,2018); la traduzione è completa al 100 %.

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I’ve choosed the Proto Emperor ZX (item 18038 / ITEM 95335) Fitted on MA PRO Chassis due to realize a custom suspensioned race car following my aesthetic taste.

Choice of materials


I have to say I always loved low body and this means the use of some tools and materials.

Tools used are:

  • a cutter;
  • a set of files;
  • a dremel with various tips;
  • some plasticard sheets;
  • plastic pipes od various diameter (item 70135);
  • white putty (item 87095).



Performed jobs

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Some parts from the Dash X1 Proto Empereor body (item 18074) where used on the ZX which has replaces original ZX rear parts;

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I glued the front hook with plastic glue, i removed the front fake spring and remodelled the side of the windshield

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The back part where cutted from the body and glued to the wings, it got a wedge and allows the body to be 4 mm lower.

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The back got a new look with properly shaped 1 mm plasticard.

Details added

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About the sides: I took inspiration from the X1 Proto Empereor lines, i filled the holes and covered the batteries, now the body looks solid and clean. I also added two exhaust pipes per sides, giving the back a nice wide and real look.

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Then, I thought of the fake mufflers, built with plastic tubes, which widened the rear of the car, improving the shape of the roadway.

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At the end i redesigned the “ZX” logo with 0.2 mm plasticard, using glear sheet and a fine pencil, tra trace the stickers kit “ZX” then i cutted the shape with the cutter.

Painting preparation

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I sanded the whole body with fine sand paper to let the primer (item 82026) stick well to the surface.

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The Final Result